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Cabbage Looper Video Stock Footage

While crucifers are preferred, over 160 plants can serve as hosts for the cabbage looper larvae. The adult cabbage looper is a migratory moth that can be found across North America and Eurasia, as far south as Florida and as far north as British Columbia. Its migratory behavior and wide range of host plants contribute to its broad distribution. The cabbage looper larva is a vegetable pest, especially for crucifers. While it is not extremely destructive, it is becoming difficult to manage due to its broad distribution and resistance to many insecticides. Numerous methods are being researched in order to control this species. Learn more about Cabbage Looper

View related species in family group: Moth

Animalia: Arthropoda: Lepidoptera: Insecta: Noctuidae: Trichoplusia ni

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