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California Tiger Salamander Video Stock Footage

The California tiger salamander is a relatively large, secretive amphibian endemic to California. Adults can grow to a total length of about 7–8 inches. It has a stocky body and a broad, rounded snout. Adults are black with yellow or cream spots larvae are greenish-grey in color. The California tiger salamander has brown protruding eyes with black irises. Historically, the California tiger salamander probably occurred in grassland habitats throughout much of the state. It occurs from Sonoma County, especially in the Laguna de Santa Rosa (outside the floodplain), south to Santa Barbara County, in vernal pool complexes and isolated ponds along the Central Valley from Colusa County to Kern County, and in the coastal range. Both the Sonoma and Santa Barbara populations are listed as endangered since 2000 and 2003, respectively. On August 4, 2004, the US Fish and Wildlife Service listed the California tiger salamander as threatened within the Central DPS. Learn more about California Tiger Salamander

View related species in family group: Salamander

Animalia: Chordata: Caudata: Amphibia: Ambystomatidae: Ambystoma californiense

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