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Pemba Flying Fox Video Stock Footage

The Pemba flying fox has a wingspan of 1.6 metres (5 ft 3 in) and is one of the largest species of fruit bat. It has a fox-like face, tawny fur, orange underparts and black ears, nose and wings. The adult weight is 400 to 650 g (0.9 to 1.2 lb), and the head and body length is 24.0 to 26.5 cm (9.5 to 10.5 in). During the early 1990s there were only a few hundred individuals remaining. Conservation measures implemented by the Forestry Department on Pemba include an education campaign, the establishment of wildlife clubs to protect nearby roosts, and continuous monitoring of the population. Also, the hunting of these bats with shotguns is now banned on most of the island. The local population has been involved in conservation measures and bat-based ecotourism is producing extra revenue for the island. With these measures in place, the number of bats has increased and by 2007 there were estimated to be about 20,000. Learn more about Pemba Flying Fox

View related species in family group: Bat

Animalia: Chordata: Chiroptera: Mammalia: Pteropodidae: Pteropus voeltzkowi

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