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Spinifex Pigeon Video Stock Footage

The spinifex pigeon is a small and compact pigeon, which weighs 80-110 g, has a mean body length of 200 - 235mm, and has their wingspan of 300–350 mm. Males are slightly larger than females, and generally difficult to visually differentiate. The plumage is distinctively rufous-brown with thin black bars on the wings and back. The forehead, sides of crown and ear coverts are grey and the bill is black. The facial markings are bold and distinctive, a bright red facial mask is bordered by a black supercilium and moustacial stripe. A white band extends from the chin to behind the eye and the throat is black. A white stripe is present on the breast, and the legs and feet are grey. There is no seasonal variation in plumage. There is substantial geographical variation in the colour of the plumage on the belly, which is reflected in the separation of the western brown-bellied birds from the other subspecies recognised. Learn more about Spinifex Pigeon

View related species in family group: Dove and Pigeon

Animalia: Chordata: Columbiformes: Aves: Columbidae: Geophaps plumifera

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