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Yellow-Billed Kite Video Stock Footage

As suggested by its name, the yellow-billed kite is easily recognized by its entirely yellow bill, unlike that of the black kite (which is present in Africa as a visitor during the North Hemisphere winter). However, immature yellow-billed kites resemble the black kites of the corresponding age. There are two subspecies: M. a. parasitus, found throughout most of sub-Saharan Africa (including Madagascar), except for the Congo Basin (with intra-African migrations) and M. a. aegyptius of Egypt, south-west Arabia and the Horn of Africa (which disperses south during the non-breeding season). Learn more about Yellow-Billed Kite

View related species in family group: Hawk

Animalia: Chordata: Falconiformes: Aves: Accipitridae: Milvus aegyptius

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