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Bobolink Video Stock Footage

Adults are 16–18 cm (6.3–7.1 in) long with short finch-like bills. They weigh about 1 oz (28 g). Adult males are mostly black with creamy napes and white scapulars, lower backs, and rumps. Adult females are mostly light brown, although their coloring includes black streaks on the back and flanks, and dark stripes on the head their wings and tails are darker. The collective name for a group of bobolinks is a chain. They often migrate in flocks, feeding on cultivated grains and rice, which leads to them being considered a pest by farmers in some areas. Although bobolinks migrate long distances, they have rarely been sighted in Europe—like many vagrants from the Americas, the overwhelming majority of records are from the British Isles. Learn more about Bobolink

View related species in family group: Oriole and Blackbird

Animalia: Chordata: Passeriformes: Aves: Icteridae: Dolichonyx oryzivorus

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