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Litoria Aurea Video Stock Footage

The green and golden bell frog is a large, stout frog adults range from 4.5 to 11 cm (1.8 to 4.3 in) in length typical specimens measure 6 to 8 cm (2.5 to 3 in). The green and golden bell frog is therefore one of the largest Australian frogs. Mature males are generally smaller than mature females, and the colour on their dorsal surfaces differ greatly from females. It may be almost completely green, of shades from dark pea-green to bright emerald, green with metallic, brassy, dull copper-brown, or gold markings or almost completely bronze. Generally, females tend to have more green patches than males. During the cooler months (May–August), when the frogs are inactive, colouration may darken almost to black. They can also darken in this way by simply staying in a dark place for a few minutes, and the colour can also change during the frogs' lifetimes. Learn more about Litoria Aurea

View related species in family group: Frog

Animalia: Chordata: Anura: Amphibia: Hylidae: Litoria aurea

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